Saturday, July 19, 2014


We are very excited to announce that changes will be coming to the blog and the website in the near future.

There is a lot of work involved and we are all about getting it done.

Keep reading. Keep writing.

Friday, July 4, 2014


The theme for this month is “VISION: Observing Within and Without”.   Deciding to take an honest look at what goes on within our heart and life is a brave thing to do. Observing what is going on within us and around us opens up learning avenues and opportunities. Then we can choose to initiate change rather than be surprised when change happens without our consent.  

In order to make changes that enable us to walk in a manner worth of the Lord (Colossians 1) we will have to make decisions. We cannot evaluate/decide anything unless we have a constant standard of measure. 

The standard in this blog is the Bible. It is God’s word to us. It is living and active, speaking to the deepest needs of our hearts. Each of us needs to listen with our heart wide open.

Clearly God can use whatever He chooses to speak to us: a verse or passage, a song, a sermon, a child, a friend, or nature, just to name a few. Maybe He will whisper something to you from a bumper sticker or a billboard. The last memorable billboard I saw posed the question, “Are you running on empty?” My silent response was, “My stomach is full but my spirit feels depleted. Lord, thank You for calling me to You. Lord, help me turn only and always to You.”

To recognize His gentle call to me in such an ordinary thing leads me to realize that He is everywhere around each of us, wooing us to fall in love with Him over and over again.