Today was a first for me; my first meeting with other Christian writers in Little Rock. A friend on Facebook posted the meeting announcement for LRACW and I immediately started looking through the announcement for time, address and what to expect at the meeting.
When I arrived I was escorted to the meeting room, which really put me at ease. There is nothing worse than getting lost, being late and disrupting whatever might be going on when you finally figure out where you’re supposed to be. I’m so grateful that wasn’t my lot today.
And what do you know? Refreshments. Finger sandwiches (with no crusts!), chips and a fabulous dip, individual tart-sized ‘pies’ complete with whipped cream! Chex Mix, oh – and caramel corn. Such an unexpected bounty and so appreciated by all.
The writers at the meeting were so welcoming and friendly. They each made it a point to speak to me and introduce themselves. What a courteous and kind thing to do, to make a stranger feel so welcome. (Of course, without name tags next month, I won’t know who you are. And likely you wouldn’t know me either!)
Our speaker was Linda Scisson who talked about her new book, One-of-a-Kind Christmas Quiz. The book was available for purchase, which I did and now I can’t stop reading it. Clearly Linda knows a lot more about Christmas than I. This is an enjoyable read in a well organized book. The handout she provided for each of us was a glimpse into her book.
Linda spoke about her book and some of the decisions she made during the writing process. Very enlightening! Getting good counsel from an attorney was an excellent decision! She shared some publishing information that I think was very appropriate and useful. And I felt her pain when she mentioned the seemingly endless end-notes. I know who I’m going to talk to when I feel I’m ready to take that step toward publishing.
Linda’s book has 112 questions with multiple choice answers provided. I’m taking this book to our family Christmas morning brunch…and I’m going to Quiz my hubby and kids. I’m so glad there is an answer key in the back of the book. Without it I would be sunk.
I’m so looking forward to meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. And oh yes, I’m going to the writers’ conference on May 18th at Summit Church in North Little Rock. Hope you’ll come join us!
Dorothy, it was great meeting you! So glad that you are now a part of LRACW!