Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Contest Opportunities and Rules & A Writing Prompt

This a copy & paste version of the Contest catagories and the rules.  I want these out up front so you have time to write, revise and write some more. When you have buffed and polished your entry you can either email or snail-mail (US Post Office) it to Dorothy Johnson.  She will ensure that the entries get to the proper judges by the correct date. 
I will need to find her mailing address.... sigh.  I thought I had it handy...

Little Rock American Christian Writers

2014 Writing Contest

 We would like to invite you to participate in our annual writing contest. Some of the categories have been named after our generous sponsors. Please visit their websites to see what they are working on right now and browse their archives.

 Contest 1: The Arnold Family Foundation Fiction Contest
     ·         1,500 to 2,000 words
     ·         Prizes--$50 first place; $25 second place; $15 third place

 Contest 2:  The Arnold Family Foundation Non-Fiction Contest
     ·         750 to 1,200 words
     ·         Prizes--$50 first place; $25 second place; $15 third place

Contest 3: StoryWriting Studio Humorous Memoir Contest:  (sponsored by Karen Jordan and The StoryWriting Studio)
     ·         Write a funny story about a person, place, or an event from your personal life.
     ·         1,000 words or less
     ·         Prizes--$25 first place; $15 second place; $10 third place

Contest 4: Devotional (sponsored by Dorothy Johnson)
     ·         Write on the Subject: “You are a Letter from God” 2 Corinthians 3:3
     ·         500 words or less
     ·         Prizes--$25 first place; $15 second place; $10 third place

Contest 5:  Poetry
     ·         12-48 lines
     ·         Prizes--$25 first place; $15 second place; $10 third place


There, is that big enough to catch your eye?? I'll try to find a way that is identifiable and not so loud to look at. But for today here we go:  The theme for March is NEW LIFE

The power to change is in my hands.”
Helen M. Ryan,   
In this instance, Ms. Ryan's book is about a new body in 21 days. 

Connect this statement to your writing, your writing life. Think about it: how has writing changed you or cemented you or grounded you or challenged you? In regards to your writing How is the power to change in your hands. Do you agree with the statement? Write a journal entry. You determine the length.  Find someone you are comfortable with and share your thoughts.

I'm going to write on this topic too. 

Keep Reading. Keep Writing. 

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